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The World’s Simplest Motor

Robert Ehrlich, Physics Department, George Mason University

The world's simplest motor can be constructed in less than five minutes. Read More...

Making Sound Waves Visible

Bill Konrad, Kent County Board of Education

The demonstration described below was demonstrated at the OAPT conference in London in June 1989. Since there was a fair bit of interest in the details of construction of the apparatus, I thought this column would provide a convenient opportunity to give the specifications. Essentially, a speaker at one end of the closed air column is used to set up a standing wave of sound inside the column. Natural gas enters the device through two copper tubes. The gas is lit and burns at numerous holes drilled across the top of the duct. Due to differences in pressure at the nodes and loops of the standing wave inside the air column, the flames that are generated vary in height giving a visual outline of the wave inside. Read More...

Keeping Alive the Sense of Wonder … Counter-Intuition

Doug Cunningham, Science Head, Bruce Peninsula District School

“…The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds…”

Anatole France 1921 Nobel Prize, Literature

I have always been interested in finding demonstrations that provoke and awaken the natural curiosity of students. Demonstrations that provide unexpected results, or appear on the surface to violate common sense, are particularly effective vehicles for motivation. These demonstrations or experiments are known as counter-intuitive.


Sand and Soup

Patrick Whippey, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario

Two intriguing demonstrations from Patrick Whippey.
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